This function 'splits' (in the sense of changing the coordinates) of an existing block bounding box vertically or horizontally at a specified point. It takes a block data frame as input and modifies it. The splitting produces a new block, which is added to the data frame while the old block's coordinates are updated. The function returns a revised block data frame.
split_block(block_df, page = 1, block, cut_point, direction = "v")
A dataframe generated by build_block_df()
The number of the page where the split will be made. Defaults to 1.
The number of the block to be split.
A number between 0 and 100, where 0 is the existing left/top limit and 100 is the existing right/bottom limit.
"V" for vertical split or "H" for horizontal split. Defaults to "V".
a block data frame
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
new_block_df <- split_block(df = old_block_df, block = 7, cut_point = 33)
} # }